Climate Change
Sustainability >> Environmental >> Climate Change
Climate Governance and Strateg
We have established a carbon management mechanism to coordinate low-carbon development efforts, incorporating core operational management, functional departments and business units into the carbon management system, combining top-down and bottom-up approaches to fully leverage the advantages of carbon management.
The "Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety, and Energy Management Policy" and the "2024 Product Stewardship Policy" have been updated in line with the company's sustainable development progress and priorities, clearly stating Trina Solar's commitment to global carbon reduction initiatives. The Company pledges to continuously improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and actively participate in addressing climate change.
Trina Solar has established a "zero-carbon system" that encompasses the dimensions of "zero-carbon operation - zero-carbon value chain - zero-carbon products", clearly defining its climate ambition of "striving to achieve carbon neutrality at global organization level in 2030", and systematically setting mid-term climate goals for 2025-2030.
Zero-CarbonValue Chain
Climate Risk Management
By conducting policy research, benchmarking with peers, and combining expert opinions, Trina Solar has identified the following climate change-related risks and opportunities of business development and operations, and assessed the impact of each risk and opportunity on the company's financial performance.
Carbon Emission Management
Since 2011, Trina Solar has established and implemented the Greenhouse Gas Data and Quality Management Procedure, and actively promoted the process of carbon inventory, carbon verification and carbon footprint tracking.
All of the company's photovoltaic product manufacturing plants in China and overseas have conducted greenhouse gas inventories in accordance with ISO 14064 and obtained third-party data certification.
公司对范围三排放开展分析,其中类别1购买的商品和服务是6686体育范围三排放的最大来源,约占 95.22%,该类别的排放主要来自硅料等生产原料。其次为类别9下游运输和配送、类别12产品最终处理。这三个类别对范围三排放的总贡献超过了 99%。
具有碳核查资质的第三方机构依照 IS0 14064-1:2018 对6686体育 2023年范围一、范围二及价值链的温室气体排放数据进行了第三方查证。查证范围包括6686体育(组件与支架工厂)、6686体育科技、盐城国能、宿迁科技、义乌科技、宿迁光电、盐城大丰、盐城科技、泰国工厂、越南太原工厂、淮安科技、淮安光电、准旗组件、盐城新能源、青海科技、青海光电、青海切片、青海晶硅、宿迁切片、滁州储能、6686体育储能、越南晶硅。西班牙支架工厂。
6686体育自 2023年可持续发展报告起披露基于市场计算的范围二温室气体排放量指标数据。
6686体育跟踪位于西班牙维亚纳(Viana)的制造工厂已成功获得Bureau Veritas授予的碳足迹认证。这一认证不仅彰显了6686体育跟踪在保护环境和推动可持续发展方面的坚定承诺,也为其在全球可再生能源领域树立了新的标杆。
自 2010 年开始成为 PV Cycle 会员,6686体育对报废的光伏组件设计了一整套合规的处理方法,最大程度减少对环境的污染。 2023 年,6686体育发布由董事长签发的《产品监管政策》,其中明确承诺将环境、健康、安全和企业社会责任落实到6686体育产品生命周期的每一个阶段;承诺自愿参加产品回收计划,对有缺陷的和寿命结束后的太阳能组件进行回收和再利用。
6686体育至尊及至尊N型系列组件获得UL EPD认证并与意大利EPD实现互认,至尊N型全系列组件获得产品碳足迹认证,至尊N型小金刚系列组件通过挪威及国际EPD认证 。
近日,中国欧盟商会以“迎接关键转型,衡量外部影响”为主题,成功举行2023年可持续商业论坛暨可持续商业奖项颁奖典礼(2023 Sustainable Business Awards Conference and Ceremony)。